This week in ISM has been very productive. Last Monday, I scheduled my first research interview with Dr. Matt Engels, and I have been editing my interview questions so that the topics we discuss are related to his studies and accomplishments, such as focusing more on his career rather than general questions that I could easily learn from google, though I am still asking questions about general lifestyle and POCD. I am very excited about this interview, as I feel it will symbolize the acceleration of my career and also put me on the right track to begin actively researching Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction. I have also begun creating the product of my ten-minute research speech that I will give in class. For this speech, I will compile everything that I have discovered in my research assessments and explain why POCD is significant to the medical community, as well as what information I will be gathering in the future in order to prove that POCD is definable and preventable. I will also use this speech and presentation as a benchmark for what information I have currently gathered versus what information I have at the end of the semester in order to track my growth and what I could focus my research on.